
How to run Immediate Execution Custom action after Deferred Execution custom action

Hi all,

I have two custom action CA1 and CA2. CA1 will run under Deferred Execution mode, internally it will execute one exe which is installed along with msi. After CA1 I want to run CA2 custom action under Immediate Execution. I have set the sequence for CA2 is After CA1. But when I try to install the MSI first CA2 is executing and then CA1 is executing.

Please suggest me how to run the Immediate Execution custom action after Deferred Execution custom action.

Thanks in advance.

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Answers (5)

Posted by: captain_planet 13 years ago
Black Belt

You probably want to read up on the installation phases for windows installer: http://www.installsite.org/pages/en/isnews/200108/index.htm

What's probably happening is you have CA1 and CA2 running between InstallInitialise and InstallFinalise. When the installer reads the InstallExecute sequence, it will reach your CA1 action first and write it to an installation script (and not actually execute it since it's Deferred), then it will reach your CA2 afterwards and execute it (since it's Immediate). When it reaches InstallFinalise, it will then execute all your Deferred CA's (which have been written to the Installation script) in a separate process. Make sense?

So, as a solution, if your CA2 really should execute immediately (and after CA1), then schedule it straight after InstallFinalise. Otherwise leave it where it is and make it deferred too.
Posted by: sanjaypakale 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks for your reply.

I think we cannot set the sequence one CA in Deferred and other in Immediate. Is there a way where I can run a custom action in Immediate Execution after copying of all installed files??

Please help me to run custom action in Immediate mode after copying of the files in installed location.

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
I'm pretty sure I already answered your question in your other thread.
The only Immediate execution after the installation of files is the part after InstallFinalize.


Posted by: sanjaypakale 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
But if I put my Custom Action after InstallFinalize, based on the CA condition I have to abort the installation and in InstallFinalize I cannot Abort the installation. It is end of installation.
Is there a way where I can Rollback even after InstallFiinalize also.

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
Is there a way where I can Rollback even after InstallFiinalize also.

Sorry, No

Why does your CA absolutely have to be in immediate context? If the only problem is accessing properties in deferred, I linked you a thread on this site on how to make properties available to deferred custom actions.
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