How to seperate department In Kace 1000
I want to know if it possible to split two different department In the same organisation to use Kace 1000. Department A want to be able to see there own label, node, script, etc.. but we don't want that department X see or stuff. The reverse situation Is also applicable.
If we can't hide thing between each other, Is there a way that both departments can't modify the contains of the other one.
Sorry if my English sound bad but it not my primary language.
Thank you In advance for your help
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Posted by:
10 years ago
This is what organizations are for. If you have an admin for department A then they will be able to access and change everything, including things you create for department B. Your best bet is to create two separate organizations or wait until they add the functionality. Version 6.3 should be out soon so maybe they've added some more security features.
At the DWUF in Nov I think I remember that more fine grained permissions were coming in a future release... - jegolf 10 years ago
Posted by:
10 years ago