
How to Use Upgrade Table in InstallShield Adminstudio

Hi all, this might be the basic question for the well experiensed people out here, but as a biginer I read some articles which didn't clarify exactly how to deal with the upgrades of the applications in realtime by using InstallShield?? here are my doubts regarding Major Upgrades only

- I am gng to upgrade an application from the version 1 to 2, so If I copy the upgrade code of Version 1 and paste it in the the place of upgrade code property value in the Version 2 will that do the uninstalltion of Version 1 and installls the new version 2?

- If I want to use upgrade table for above upgradation how can find the version min, version max, Action Property to paste ?? because i observed for some apps they mentioned in the propery manager of version 1 and i could not find for some apps. If I fill up all the fields is that gng to upgrade my app from Ver1-->2 ??

- In other case If I am gng to upgrade to Version 5, some users have Version 1, some Ver 2, some Ver3 and Ver 4 like that.. so in this case in upgrade table do I need to open each and every version and note down all the info needed like upgrade code, ver min, ver max and ... create rows in Upgrade Table like each row for each version (Version 1, 2, 3 and 4) by using the respective values?? If I do that will it check all before versions and uninstalls them if present??

- As of now instead of using the upgrade table I am jus using the batch and VBscripts to uninstall the old versions before the installation beginns like everybody knows (msiexec /x{Product GUID}/ for some apps by rinning the uninst.exe present in the Program Files\APPNAME folder)... is it suggestable to do in this way? what is the good practice to follow (upgrade table or script before installation)?? I am using InstallShield 2012 and AdminSudio 11

Any help would be thankful, if any body made videos regarding the upgradations please share with us


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Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt

Configure the Upgrade table like this in Ver2 and check it

UpgradeCode - UpgradeCode of Ver1

VersionMin - NULL

VersionMax - ProductVersion of Ver2

Language - ProductLanguage of Ver1

Attributes - 512


ActionProperty - UPGRADE_01

The property specified in ActionProperty must be a public property and you must add the property to the SecureCustomProperties property. Each row in the Upgrade table must have a unique ActionProperty value.

If the above conf. is not working then, in addition to that check that the RemoveExistingProducts standard action lies between the InstallValidate and InstallInitialise actions.


  • Awesome explanation - I searched this from the search page and it solved my issue. thanks - indierox 10 years ago
  • Hi Jagadeish,

    i used the same method, and it only removes one specific version. Any other versions are not removed. Am i missing anything, or do i need to insert in Upgrade Table for each versions? - shrestha.rajiv.k 9 years ago
Posted by: ontari.ontari 12 years ago
Black Belt

Thank you so much for your help Jagadeish, that really worked for me... COULD YOU WRITE WHAT TO FILL UP FOR MINOR UPGRADATION ASWELL IN THE UPGRADE TABLE??

  • same principles apply for all types of upgrades. Only difference is what you're allowed/supposed to change between versions for the different upgrade types.

    What can also change is the location of the RemoveExistingProducts action in the execution sequence, depending on how you want Windows Installer to handle the upgrade, by uninstalling the old version first, or doing an in-place upgrade - pjgeutjens 12 years ago
  • As pjgeutjens write you need to be sure when the diffrent upgrade types are used. http://kb.flexerasoftware.com/doc/Helpnet/installshield12helplib/MajorMinorSmall.htm

    you should also see this for information about the upgrade table http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa372379(v=vs.85).aspx - henrik80 12 years ago
  • Thank you so much fellows for the valuble information... million thanks - ontari.ontari 12 years ago
Posted by: koswo 10 years ago
Orange Belt

Hi, I'm also struggling with an upgrade issue.  Previous version of the application is 6.1, new version is 6.1.4.  We're talking about a vendor MSI (created with Installshield).

So, I created following entry in the Upgrade table: {upgradecode_of_version_6.1};6.1;6.1.4;1033;256;;UPGRADE_61

I added "UPGRADE_61" to the SecureCustomProperties property in the Property table.

What I did sofar:

  • tried several "Attributes" like 256, 768, 512, 517 -> still not removing previous version
  • tried moving the RemoveExistingProducts action: between InstallValidate and InstallInitialize and even right after FindRelatedProducts -> still not working

What could be wrong here?

Thanks in advance!

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