
HTML Code in Kace ticket notifications

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Does anyone know what is and isn't supported in the Code area of Ticket Notifications? I put together some HTML to jazz up the boring ticket notifications (graphics, a table, clickable button) and while all looks good in a HTML preview, Kace destroys half the code when I enter it into their box. Are there certain elements of HTML that is not supported there? Has anyone accomplished things like adding a button to the notifications?

I did check their admin guide and it only had basic info about HTML in the notifications. I also opened a support ticket with engineering but waiting to hear back.


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Answers (2)

Posted by: ColleenP 2 months ago
White Belt

FOLLOWING... I am very interested in this too as I am in the same predicament. 

We are transitioning to KACE ServiceDesk soon and visually, from an end users' perspective, it looks like we downgraded our service.

Posted by: AmberSDNB 1 month ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Kace support said we were pushing the limits of what their HTML can handle, so unfortunately we had to abandon this.
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