
I need help creating a report that will list all the applications installed on a list of Windows and/or Linux devices that have java installed

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I am running using Kace SMA v14.0.334  (K1000)

For the purposes of adhering to the new Java Licensing, I need to create a report of all devices (Windows and RHEL) that have and applicable version of Java installed.  I have this report created and working using the Reporting in the Kace SMA.

In addition, I need a way to extract a full list of all software installed on each device that has an applicable version of Java.  I also have this working for Windows devices by using the "Software Catalog - Add/Remove Programs Inventory".  However, this doesnt work for Linux Devices.  Does anyone have an idea how I can export a full list of all installed applications from a Linux Device (filtering on a list or label of Linux devices)?

Finally, I need a way to extract the Java installation path for both Windows and Linux on each device that has an applicable version of Java.  I havent gotten anywhere with this one.  Any advice is appreciated.

Thank You

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