
I repackaged an application with trail version adminstudio and when I release the ism I'm getting only exe in the Disk images and not msi? why is this happening and thanks in advance

I repackaged an application with trail version adminstudio and when I release the ism I'm getting only exe in the Disk images and not msi? why is this happening and thanks in advance

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Answers (4)

Posted by: ontari.ontari 12 years ago
Black Belt

Trial version you do not have an option to create the msi. 


Posted by: jaybee96 12 years ago
Red Belt

Just buy the product and you will unlock the evaluation exe.

Posted by: mahesh007 12 years ago
White Belt

When u repackaged an application with new trail version adminstudio and when u release the ism U get only exe in the Disk images and not msi? why Bcoz in new version they created that type Only Solution to Get MSI is just go to>TEMP folder Remove all Waste Files>then u Run(Install) ur EXE wht u get in Disk>When Installation Happening Time just Go to TEMP folder Check each Files from fisrt u wil Get MSI...

  • That won't work as the temp extracted msi will prompt saying that we need to launch only from exe.ISSETUPDRIVEN doesn't work.And also if you remove launch condition the installation will proceed but woon't install anything - ur00361883 6 years ago
Posted by: mac-duff 12 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt


when u use the Repackager you have to choose in the Repackaged Output create a single compressed msi file or even better create an ism file.

In the AdminStudio itseld u need to select in Build -> Release Wizard and choose there MSI

  • When u repackaged an application with New Trail Version AdminStudio and when u release the ISM u wil get only EXE in the Disk images and not msi? why is this happening...Bcoz in new version they created as that type, Only Solution to get MSI is Goto>Temp Folder>Remove all waste Files&Folders(clean)then>Try to Run(install) ur EXE>on installing time Go&check in Temp Folder each File from First u wil get MSI.... - mahesh007 11 years ago
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