I want to display only device with an arrow icon. anyone can help me this SQL query. Thanks
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You are going to need a KACE insider to answer that one, as the admin guide and active help within the appliance actually give no help or guidance whatsoever. I would suggest it is the state of the agent and the arrow may mean that the agent is currently downloading something from the SMA, however, I can find no database field that may hold that status data, so again we need someone in KACE to enlighten us. - Hobbsy 4 years ago
yeah right thanks for your opinion, difficulty finding filter conditions data displays like this - Daniel Thenu 4 years ago
What does the tooltip say on hover? All inventory icons should have a tooltip explaining exactly what they mean. Typically, a right arrow inside the monitor icon will mean the device has been moved to another org, but I have not seen it red before (typically either green or blue/white). What version of SMA are you running? - airwolf 4 years ago
Yes, right. the device has been moved to another org. on the previous org the device appears a red icon. confused the query to want to display only the red arrow icon - Daniel Thenu 4 years ago
That gave me enough info to answer the question directly. - airwolf 4 years ago
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4 years ago
You won't be able to query that in a direct way (e.g. it's not as simple as a field in the MACHINE table). That status is evaluated on the fly in our UI code based on the current ORG being displayed and the value of KBSYS.KUID_ORGANIZATION.ORGANIZATION_ID for the KUID of the device in question.
Here is an example of how you can do this via a System UI raw SQL report to display devices listed in ORG1 that have been moved to another ORG. Doing this across multiple ORGs would require more complex raw SQL:
Thank you for Your answer, yeah right the device has moved to another organization because of the application of the smart label, I'll try it out. thank you - Daniel Thenu 4 years ago