
IBM Db2 8.1.3 Run time client Silent woes


Having problems packaging IBM DB2 8.1.3 Runtime Client silently.

I have a IBM InstallShield (Install Shield for Windows Installer) created MSI for this app. And, I cannot get this thing to install silently. I have verified that the MSI will not INSTALL SILENTLY. I created a transform but it will not install silently at all. Tried to add

There is also a INSTALLSHIELD setup.exe that was provided that I am not having any luck with either. I can't even get this to run UNATTENDED from the CMD line. I've tried many different combinations at the START - RUN command line. I tried putting the commands into a BAT file without any luck either.

On the IBM website it stated that you can create a RESPONSE file and use that to create unattended installs. I created a RSP file. But, I cannot get the SETUP.EXE to pick it up. It seems like the setup.exe isn't designed to run with the RSP file.

I've also tried unsuccessfully to run a transfom that I added 2 properties, SILENCE_MODE=ON and RSP_FILE_PATH=(my rsp file) into it.

Any suggestions or ideas are welcome!

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Carol 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
This was turned over to a Sr. Packager in my group. He ended up reading the Actual Installation documentation from IBM for this product from the IBM website. Then he searched for the IBM exe that ran the DB2 instance. In the Transform, he created a custom Action that runs the DB2 instance EXE (db2icrt.exe) with the command line argument of DB2. He also created the environment variables. [:D]
Posted by: AppRepak 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
I first installed the original DB2 Run-Time Client.msi and copied the PROD_RTCL00.RSP while it was installing from the C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\Temp directory and added it to the transform package. You need to copy it before the installation ends as it gets deleted once the installation is complete. I added it to the transform and placed it into the BIN directory. I then created a property: RSP_FILE_PATH= C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\PROD_RTCL00.RSP. I found there was no need to set the environment variables or to run the db2icrt.exe with the DB2 as an argument. It can be done that way, but I find it a lot cleaner with the response file in the transform. Silent install – no problem!
Posted by: MSIMaker 19 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt

Off-site packaging specialist - Melbourne

Off-site......now I'm jealous. If you have any extra work you can email me. I really want to head this way too.
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