
IBM DB2 Express C 9.7 FP4

I am trying to automate the install of IBM DB2 Express C 9.7 FP4 and I am having lots of wierd problems. I have tried the setup.exe /u "path\filename.rsp" with mixed results; sometimes it works and others it fails to either find an MST or complains about a cmd switch. I'm not sure if the path in the RSP file needs to be the same as the path provided with /u? Can I use variables in it or does it need to be hard coded? Do I even need the RSP file or can I use the MSI?

I've tried running the MSI directly with a 50% success rate when performing a manual install, but seems to fail when the services fail to start near the end of the install while its creating the sample databases. I haven't been able to create a response MST with InstallShield which just hangs and doesn't complete. I need to set the services to run as the local system account so if anyone knows which property to set, that would help lots.

I am working through http://www.appdeploy.com/packages/detail.asp?id=1460 but I haven't had luck there either. Again, I think it comes back to whats in the RSP file.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Did you look at my notes, too, Jeff? DB2 is...entertaining, to say the least.
Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
I did, thanks. I totally agree with you and working with packages from IBM.

I didn't end up having much luck working directly with the MSI. Install completed without error but the app didn't work right after so I gave up trying to mess around on that. I was eventually able to figure out what the setup.exe and the rsp file wanted to make it work. I went through the wizard and made the rsp file in a directory on the c: drive. Then I scripted the install to copy the source files to the same directory pre-install and then call the install from that directory with the rsp file.

English Install
C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\setup.exe /u C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\CRA_SILENT.rsp /l "c:\LOGS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4_Install.LOG"

French Install
C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\setup.exe /u C:\APPS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\CRA_SILENT.rsp /i FR /l "c:\LOGS\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4\IBM_DB2_Express_C_97FP4_Install.LOG"

I also had problems with using variables in the command line which is why its explicit. Not what I would notrmally do, but whatever to get it to work. I'm just happy to get it off my plate...
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