IBM SPSS 25 not Silent
So I am trying to install SPSS 25 silently and it does install with the switches below but it isn't silent there is a pop-up during the install about Python compiling a bunch of stuff. Anyone else seeing this, is there any way to make it truly silent (other then INSTALLPYTHON=0, excluding Phyton)?
msiexec.exe /i "IBM SPSS Statistics 25.msi" /qn /norestart /L*v spss25log.txt LICENSETYPE="Network" LSHOST="" DISABLE_COMMUTE=1 COMPANYNAME="Company"
Answers (2)
You need to add the arg INSTALLPYTHON=1 after your silent switches. Here is the command that I use:
msiexec /i IBM-SPSS-Statistics-25.msi /passive INSTALLPYTHON=1 AUTHCODE=123456789
My installs are silent except for the progress bar, which is a result of using /passive instead of /qn. This arg for Python works for v26 as well. Notably, I am using license codes and not an authorization server like you are.
I found that info on page 3 of the SPSS Authorized User License Administrator Guide
Hope this helps if you are still seeking an answer a year later :)