
ICE33 vbs/script help!!

Hi all,

As part of our standards we are required to fix all ICE33....

I was wondering if anyone had a vb script or the SQL required to fix these ??? I am trying to make my life a lot easier as it can be very time consuming fixing hundreds of ice33 errors manually.

on a previous forum some one mentioned "pgeiseman of the Wise forums offered a nice solution to ICE33 sometime ago."


I cant seem to find this link could some one point me in the right direction or could they send me a copy of this solution??

Many Thanks

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Answers (6)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
Considering the nature of the ICE33 validation error (basically the fact you put stuff in the registry table that should be in different tables) and the fact that the use of these other tables (Class, ProgID, etc) can be considered a matter of choice, you should really consider ignoring some of these. A number of these tables are generally considered to be faulty and SHOULD NOT be used (also see here)

Just my 2c ofc.

Posted by: markjones121 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks for the reply..

I agree that some of the entries can be removed and generally they are if they are not associated to the application. The ones that are associated or unknown are moved to the relevant tables. Unfortunately this could be quite a few hence why I'm after a script etc. :)

Unfortunately where I am currently working this is the way it has been for some time and they will not change their process\standards even though they way they do things are not what Microsoft recommend.

Thanks for you help..
Posted by: pgiesbergen 13 years ago
Orange Belt
Hi there,

it is me, pgeiseman [;)]. Indeed I wrote that script years ago but I don't give it away anymore. PM me.

Anyway, ICE33 is just a warning and can be savely ignored most of the time. Actually the ICE33 checker isn't a very smart girl/guy. It does not check if the keys it yells (see, it's a girl) about can be moved to the advertising tables or not. What tools are you using? I am curious how they fix them all where you are currently working, besides manually adding 1000's of keys into the tables [:@] Why aren't your keys in the advertising tables already (if you use a capture tool)?

Posted by: markjones121 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi thanks for your reply....

We use a couple of tools in general. We use wise package studio to snapshot exe's etc and instedit to manually create msi's or modify snapshot to the users specification.

Sometimes we have to add additional dll's etc including the com information. we manually add the com stuff to the advertised tables.

Whenever we seem to use wise for snapshotting it move a fair amount of teh com info to the advertised tables but not all of it. sometimes this can leave us with quite a few ICE33's to fix manually.

P.S sent you a PM :)
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
we have to add additional dll's etc including the com informationUse WiseComCapture to output to .REGs. Then, when importing them, respond to Wise's entreaty to use the advertising table. I posted a script here a while ago to automate the execution of WCC (but not the import, sorry!)
Posted by: jmcfadyen 13 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
I posted scripts somewhere that automate all the imports. God only knows where it is now. perhaps a search will reveal that.
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