

I am getting an ICE 99 error while packaging and i am not able to remove it....and the following error as well..."Invalid identifier; Table: Registry, Column: Registry, Key(s): 318.1 ice03.html Registry Registry 318.1
Evaluation: ICE03"...Error message for ICE 99 is
"The directory name: WindowsVolume is the same as one of the MSI Public Properties and can cause unforeseen side effects. ice99.html Directory Directory WindowsVolume
Evaluation: ICE99"
So,please tell me the solution for the same

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Answers (12)

Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
Remove the WindowsVolume property entry from the Property table.
WindowsVolume is a system directory which will be populated from the Directory table. All directories are resolved to properties in the end.
Posted by: enzogoy 16 years ago
Orange Belt
Hi AngelD

I have the same ICE99 error but different folder name. Mine is x64. I dont know Rahulnijhawan able to solve his problem or not but I follow your instruction to get into the property table and I couldn't find the x64 property entry. I'm using WPS7.

Is there any other way to solve the ICE99?


** After I post the reply, I reallised that the topic is related to window installer while mine is package developer. But the ICE error is the same, if you thought it's not right to post it in here, I will create a new topic :)

And here is my real error in wise:
The directory name: x64 is the same as one of the MSI Public Properties and can cause unforeseen sid effects. ice99.html Directory Directory x64 Evaluation: ICE99
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
So what happens if you click the validation entry? Doesn't get you to the "invalid" entry?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: enzogoy
** After I post the reply, I reallised that the topic is related to window installer while mine is package developer.
Enz, Windows Installer is the technology, not the application being used to package.

- Switch to the 'Setup Editor' view
- Select the 'Tables' tab
- Select the 'Directory' table
- Click the top of the column named 'Full Directory'. This switches to show the folders in alphabetical order.
- Scroll down to wherever the table shows 'C:\Windows' as the full directory names.
One of the properties you see will be the culprit.

However, as Kim says, double-clicking the row in the validation screen should take you there anyway.
Posted by: enzogoy 16 years ago
Orange Belt
Hi Kim

Yeah, if i double click on the, it takes me to the invalid entry which belong to the Directory Table. If I remove the row, I got an error when deploy it out. The funny things is if I leave it like that, I have no problem with installation. Uhmm, should I leave it or try other way to solve it? :)

Hi VBScab
I misunderstood. When I read Kim's first reply, I thought he ask me to remove that entry from the Property Table. That's why I cant find it under Property table. :)
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Delete the offending Directory table row and then find entries which contained it in the Component table and change its folder name to 'WindowsFolder'
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
Open the MSI in ORCA and search for x64 to find out where else the directory/property conflicts.
Posted by: enzogoy 16 years ago
Orange Belt
Many thanks to VBScab and AngelD.

I removed the row which have the error. Then follow the step VBScab recommend to change the folder name to 'WindowsFolder' and it works.

Once again, Thanks.
Posted by: rchofman 16 years ago
Yellow Belt

Delete the offending Directory table row and then find entries which contained it in the Component table and change its folder name to 'WindowsFolder'

As far as I know, 'WindowsFolder' doesn't represent the same value as 'WindowsVolume'.
'WindowsVolume' is the driveletter that contains the Windows installation (usually C:\)
'WindowsFolder' is the folder that Windows is installed into (Usually C:\Windows)
Posted by: Jamie B 16 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
As far as I know, 'WindowsFolder' doesn't represent the same value as 'WindowsVolume'.
'WindowsVolume' is the driveletter that contains the Windows installation (usually C:\)
'WindowsFolder' is the folder that Windows is installed into (Usually C:\Windows)

That's correct!
Posted by: sathishingur 16 years ago
Yellow Belt
So if i want installation only in WindowsVolume(C:\) then what should I do??[8|]
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
what should I doFirst, get yourself on a Windows Installer course. Meanwhile, look up INSTALLDIR, TARGETDIR and ROOTDRIVE and how to use them on MSDN.

  • Shame this wasn't more informative beyond telling Sathishingur to become more educated. Helpful. - rcooder 7 years ago
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