
IE10 - Even after building with IEAK10 - Still running "downloading required updates" - How do you thwart that?

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Even after building an unattended install with all our settings built in using IEAK 10, when we run either the flat build exe or msi, it still runs the "downloading required updates" garbage.  I installed the latest IE10, then installed IEAK10 right after, then run the "sync" as part of the IEAK10 builder.  That download part should not be running after doing a customized unatteneded setup with IEAK10.  I never saw this issue in IEAK8.  Any ideas?  Doing something wrong?  I don't see anywhere in the IEAK10 setup options to thwart that.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: piyushnasa 11 years ago
Red Belt

You will have to deploy these patches separately before you install IE10 on the machines. Have faced this issue before.


~Piyush Nasa


~My Blog:  http://msiworld.blogspot.com/

  • No dice, tried that already. When I run the "prerequisite KB's", Windows advises they are already installed, we deployed those previously to all our devices. - oleinwi 11 years ago
    • Did you ever get this figured out? - wessdf 10 years ago
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