If I am having old version adobe flash player & after re-packaging (MSI +MST).
If I am having old version adobe flash player & after re-packaging (MSI +MST). It’s necessary to mention all previous version of product code with uninstall string (msiexec /X) in batch file I mean after pulling information of installed product (trace product code)
Answers (1)
This is indeed an issue with repackaging. When repackaging you must manage upgrade codes yourself. If you are using the vendor setup with the silent switch seamless upgrades are standard functionality..
My suggestion: For the next version of flash remove all your old flash packages (with SCCM or GPO or whatever you use) and distribute the vendor setup.
Actually this should be best practice for all Adobe apps.
>Actually this should be best practice for all Adobe apps
Dear God, no. They're just as capable of screwing up your life as any other vendor!! Remember Acrobat Pro 8 (I think it was 8...)? Whose executable reset the permissions in one of the 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe' folders so that no account - not even System - could access it?
By the way, do a simple review of this guy's posts and you'll realise that a) he is incapable of conducting basic research and b) all the while people keep spoon-feeding him answers, he'll keep asking idiot question!! - anonymous_9363 11 years ago-
I guess he is just posting questions to get his belt size up. He doesn't even read the answers. Since others are searching the questions for answers some of them can do with an answer.
And yes, Adobe can screw up but so do most packagers. It's safe to state that starting with vendor tools for customization and unattended install is good practice. As with any change testing is key.
Even if vendors screw up a release it would be a good idea to contact their support and point out the issue and ask for a fix. Once you break the vendors preferred way of managing their releases you as a packager are responsible to get the updates, patching en version control right. A terrible waste of time. - EVEEN 11 years ago