
IGNORE - RESOLVED! Adobe 9.1.3 update - problem integrating incremental updates?


I'm trying to put together an installation for version 9.1.3 of Adobe Reader.

I've followed the notes, as per the Appdeploy article below, and specifically the notes added by Franks:


I took the base full install of 9.1.0, and applied as described, admin installs of the incremental patches (9.1.2, 9.1.3 - missing out 9.1.1 also as described in those notes). All of these seemed to successfully apply.

Finally, I used the Adobe Customisation Wizard to finally configure the [font="Courier New"]acroread.msi to supress a few settings.

I've located these files on my SMS 2003 distribution point, and created an SMS package/assignment to push Adobe Reader. This works, except, the version of Adobe Reader installed still appears to be 9.1.0 (displayed in add/remove, the about dialog box, and [font="Courier New"]acrord32.exe version).

I presumed that the process of creating the admin install was to patch it to 9.1.3, so that's the version that would be prepared for distribution. Am I missing something here?

My SMS assignment is pushing the package in the manner as per the Appdeploy article also.

Now, if I check [font="Courier New"]acroread.msi on the distribution point, that also is still versioned 9.1.0 - is this correct? or should the process of patching the admin install above have modified that msi installer file also to 9.1.3?

Thanks in advance - first time I've ever attempted trying to integrate Adobe updates into an admin install.


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Answers (5)

Posted by: stephenejones 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Ignore... sysadmin error [:D]
Posted by: marendaweth 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I have made an admininstall as well, working out as planned..
BUT when testing the app when opening an PDF in browser Explorer 6.0 returns a message "The Adobe
Acrobat/Reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a web browser. Adobe Acrobat Version 8 or
9 is required. Please exit and Try Again."

If in preferences in AR 9.1.3 uncheck "view PDF in browser" it gets downloaded and opened as it should!
Anyone seen this? IE6 used.

Edit: Above goes for the setting in a MST created with Adobe Customization Wizard 9: Make Acrobat the default viewer if both Acrobat and Reader are installed.
If Reader choosed as default it seems to work out ok ...? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
Posted by: kiptek 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
If i recall, adobe leaves some stubs in the reg & it reads the version from the first one it encounters which refers to a previous version. Trawl through your reg for previous adobe versions...
Posted by: marendaweth 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
No, clean computer with no Adobe products at all.. Feels like a bug..

I continued testing and got it to work when setting was "Make Acrobat the default viewer if both Acrobat and Reader are installed." as well after some time if added:
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Reader 9.0\\Reader\\AcroRd32.exe\""

Would still appreciate suggestions if anyone got this working without editing registry [&:]
Posted by: 15moreminutes 15 years ago
Yellow Belt
We experienced the same error. The fix was to change the Default Viewer setting in the Customization Wizard to "Installer will decide which product will be the default". I found this recommendation from Adobe for version 8 http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/401/kb401258.html. Seems to apply to version 9 also.
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