
I'm trying to run a .exe which has the following command afterwards "test.exe /mode silent ".

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How can use SCCM to run this .exe?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Maidens 6 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt

Create a simple script/batch file that contains your command line install.

Thereafter two SCCM deployment options:

1) Create SCCM Application which targets and runs your script.

2) Create SCCM Package which target your script or contain the command line within the program settings.

- Applications give more options when setting up. They require detection methods set to determine if a particular file, folder, Windows Guid, or Registry key exists. If the condition is met the application either runs or doesn't depending on your settings. Reporting is decent within SCCM Monitoring, Deployment Node.

- Packages are easier and less time consuming to setup, however reporting is not great, you only see if install was a success or failed.

Personally, I prefer Applications for software deployments, mainly for reporting and tracking status. However there are some instances where packages are extremely beneficial as well.

There is plenty of material online with demos on how to create both and the benefits of such.

Good luck!

  • I've tried both the application and package deployment but with the /mode silent at the end SCCM is having a hard time processing it.

    Do I need to put "" around the entire command line? - kyleasimpson 6 years ago
    • What did the AppEnforce.log within C:\Windows\CCM\Logs on target device tell you about the executing command line for the Application deployment? - Maidens 6 years ago
Posted by: rexxxxx 5 years ago
White Belt

try with: 

"%~dp0test.exe" "/mode silent"

you can put it in .cmd or .bat file and package it as application or package.

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