Incremental Backup Size
In the past week our incremental backups have increased in size by 5 GB. The base has stayed around the same size. Is this normal? How can I resolve this? Thanks.
I ended up contacting tech support as well as posting this and tech support gave me the same solution as Mark. Thanks everyone for the help. - AdamWolf77 4 years ago
Answers (2)
Basic info of the two backup parts:
the BASE backup consists of stuff which does not change regulary (like managed installs) and as you can see the file is the same for one cycle.
the INCR consists of all what is usually changing and the difference between the base and the current state.
If you are working much with the DB (service desk etc) this could be normal, also if you introduced a new functionality (like patching, the patches are not part of the backup but all else in it like settings)
The best way is to look into the logs (Settings | Support | Retrieve Log apliance activity logs for download; Settings |Logs for live view) what happened. If you are unsure how to analyze them contact support for help.
Top Answer
If there is any database space that can be reclaim, a "Reboot with Extended DB check" from the Appliance Updates page can help.
Keep in mind depending on the DB size this can run for sometime, so schedule maintenance accordingly.