
INNOSETUP INSTALLER, how to suppress the uninstall feedback popup ?

I am recently working on repackaging a Inno-setup installer. Everything works smoothly with the provided switches. But when comes to the silent uninstall, the uninstaller opens a web browser with a survey. Which is very annoying. I did a lot of research on Internet to disable this pop-up, but until now with no luck. Does anyone happen to meet this before ? Any suggestions ?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: SandeepPanat 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
ORIGINAL: Savage455
I am recently working on repackaging a Inno-setup installer. Everything works smoothly with the provided switches.

Are you repackaging the installer OR just using the supported silent switches?
If you are only using silent switches, even if you delete the .htm page from the source files, it won't pop-up then.
Posted by: Savage455 13 years ago
Orange Belt
Thanks for your reply. There is no such html in the source.
But I found a solution. Hope it may helpful to some other guys who have the same issues.
1: Use the innounp.exe to unpack the Inno-setup files to source and a script.
2: Make changes to the script.
3: Recompile the script to generate a new executable.
Then I get a installer meet all my requirements.
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