
Innovation in Application Packaging !!!

Hi everyone,


We are constantly asked by Customers to show some innovation in the field of Application Packaging & SCCM Deploymnet. We are using Flexera admin studio 11 for packaging & SCCM 2007 . We have designed some diagnostic tools but still the customer wants more related to Packaging & Deployment. This should be more in terms of a Service Improvement Plan (SIP) or Service Transformation Plan (STP) which will showcase $ savings. Can anyone suggest Technical innovations that have been implemented in Application Packaging & SCCM at the Customer end. Any help especially with respect to Application packaging will be highly helpful & appreciated.




7 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Can you provide an example of a SIP or STP to give an idea of what you're after?

    Packaging and Deployment have been around for years, and improved upon over that time - I'm not sure what you could bring in to radically save £.

    Are you using AdminStudio to its full potential?

    *Virt Pack for App-V / Thinapp? Create the package once and save to multiple virtualisation technology formats.

    *Integration into SCCM directly from AdminStudio to reduce deployment setup times?

    * App Compat Pack for compatibility readiness for your next desktop OS migration

    * App Portal for self service app store

    There are other products out there that do similar things - have you looked into those too.
    Or am I barking up the wrong tree with regard to your requirements? - dunnpy 11 years ago
  • Thanks for the reply.. Customer actually wants something to be built from our end :( .. They are fully aware of the capabilities of Admin Studio. - hrs2cool 11 years ago
  • As far as innovation is concerned it would be something related to custom actions.. You could let the customer know how custom action triggers "some" third party applications. Or pop up the third party website to download the application if not already installed..(Could be prerequisite). - mareddy9999 11 years ago
  • Not much else you can do around packaging innovation. Even Flexera seems to be struggling to create something to add to their "new & Improved" list.

    The same thing goes for deployments. The "latest" innovation would be the shopping cart, but that has been readily available for years in most mainstream deployment tools.

    If your customer is asking for something new without specifying what they're looking for, they're out of luck. It's like asking for something innovative from your chewing gum - it's already lived its full development circle. - vjaneczko 11 years ago
  • The real challenges with apps are rarely the one's you resolve with a better way of packaging. Finding a user that knows what he wants from his app before you close the box, data-migration between versions, version consolidations, compliance and transparency issues with legal, licensing complexity with vendors, least-privilege discussions with security and audit teams, cross platform demands from android and iOS users.... I would look into aiding your customer there. - EVEEN 11 years ago
  • I agree to most of the comments .. The customer just wants innovation.. Nothing specified as such.. In reply to EVEEN, we have formed a technical design team which works exclusively on the tasks you have mentioned.. But still the customer feels we need to bring something new to the table .. Really tough customer to please.. Unfortunately they are our biggest & most profitable clients.. - hrs2cool 11 years ago
  • As long as the customer can not clearly explain his need there is no neat way to please him i'm afraid. Packaging is a mature technical solution so barring any new formats to be released on the msi front the progress is incremental at most.

    You could consider working with your client to fase in SCCM2012 and AdminStudio 2013. For someone desperately seeking innovation these tools form 2007 and 2011 must seem obsolete by now. This opens up the option of process integration, AppV5 support, some nice user centric application deployments (AppPortal) and other fancy stuff. But this only helps if this is what the customer really feels they need.

    Best option I guess is take the issue out of the operational environment and try to partner with them on a more strategic level. Discussing their 'pains and aches' and how to alleviate them. Good luck! - EVEEN 11 years ago

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