
Install "outside of MSI" file w/o using scripts

Is there any way to install a file which is not packaged in a MSI into AppData directory specified during installation?

Each user of our app have specific database. So we must burn special CD for each one. I do not want to rebuilt MSI for each customer with his own DB.
Instead of this we want to create CD with general MSI in root and specific DB file in Database subdirectory. This MSI should take DB file from subdirectory and install it to the target machine.
Is this posible within the installation? I known the ways to copy the file after install using scripts but this seems little unsolid to me.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: plangton 19 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Hi curio124

I would use a custom action during the installation to copy the file required - using a vbscript. I'm not sure why you think using scripts is "little unsolid" but I can assure you that so long as you construct the custom action properly there shouldn't be any dramas.

How you would tell which DB to copy up I have no idea, possibly by subnet of the IP address, or you could have the script ask the user for input... up to you on that one.

Hope thats helped


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