

Im packaging some Borland apps which are deployed using installanywhere. From what i can gather from the ZeroG website, installanywhere is some sort of packaging solution. Does it create an MSI or do i still need to repackage the Borland apps i have.[&:]



PS: The Borland apps are CaliberRM 2005 r2, Together for Eclipse 2006 r2 and JBuilder 2006. I cant find any information on this site re these apps at all. Has any1 come across them b4?

Thanks again.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: jk01 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
My powers of deduction have determined that as "installAnywhere" installations work on Mac and Linux OS', an MSI is not created.

Any1 had any experience in packaging theses Borland apps though? They look pretty straight forward but probably arent.
Posted by: SFury 18 years ago
Yellow Belt
While I have not worked with Borland apps, I have been testing InstallAware to see if it is a viable MSI tool for my companies needs.

Installaware does create an MSI, it just encapsulates the MSI into an executable. Much like InstallShield does.
Posted by: jk01 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I was querying InstallAnywhere, not Installaware.

Thanks for your input anyway.

Posted by: jryan_su 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I don't know about Borland Apps but I have worked with InstallAnyWhere. This is a multi-platform product that captures installs for multiple OS's. I was working with a Bloomberg app that was created with InstallAnyWhere. I called their tech support and didn't get much support. I think I was transfored several times and nobody really helped me. They acted as if I was doing something nobody else does. InstallAnyWhere is a product by InstallShield/Macrovision. It acts similar to InstallShield. You record an answer file to accomplish the silent install. The Bloomberg app didn't work with the answer file I created so I downloaded the InstallAnyWhere product which was created with InstallAnyWhere. I Recorded an Answer file and all went well. This lead me to believe that Bloomberg didn't go a good job with creating their application in InstallAnyWhere. I then created an MSI file and all was well after that.

Here is a link for InstallAnyWhere:


I hope this helps...
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