
Installing a package using the advertisement /ju switch causes issues

I have a certain package which is a vendor msi.Therefore I have created a mst where I have done all the modifications.
After installing the package using /qb from the command line when I try to launch the package the package asks for the serial number.
Solution or Workaround for the above issue: I put in the Serial number when it asked for one.Exported the Registry key from the computer and imported the same Registry key into my package using Wise package studio.

Now if I try installing the package using /qb from the command line it does not ask for the Serial number when the package is launched.

However when I try using the /ju swtich to advertise it from the command line and when I go to Start > All programs > and click on the package to start installing it. This time when I launch the package it again asks for the Serial number.

Why is the advertisement causing issues.....what could be teh possible reason and workaround

The package is called Grapher in case that information helps

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Answers (15)

Posted by: TP24667 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi Guys..really could do with some help on this one......thanx :-)
Posted by: AngelD 15 years ago
Red Belt
Did you verify that the "serial" registry was written during install?
Posted by: TP24667 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi..thanx for replying....am not quite sure what you are referring to when you say

"Did you verify that the "serial" registry was written during install? "
Posted by: India_Repackaging 15 years ago
Blue Belt
Check the registry which you have added for the serial number does get installed after the package is installed?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
LOL...expecting a response in 12 minutes is pushing it a bit, don't you think?

Have a look here at the '/J' switch options http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa367988(VS.85).aspx
Posted by: AngelD 15 years ago
Red Belt
What happens if you manually (double-click) install the MSI, do you not get prompted to enter the serial during installation?
These serial numbers can often be pre-populated using a property.
Posted by: TP24667 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Solution or Workaround for the above issue: I put in the Serial number when it asked for one.Exported the Registry key from the computer and imported the same Registry key into my package using Wise package studio.

Using the above Workaround If I manually click and install the MSI it does not prompt the Serial number after launching the Program Grapher.

It does not work when I try to advertise it using the /ju switch which the requirment in the client environment.

If the below 2 Registry keys get written to the registry during installation of Grapher then the "serial number does not pop up" when the program is launched:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Golden Software\Grapher\7.0]

Summarizing ...........My question is:

When installing manually ( clicking on msi) or even through command line using /qb the above 2 registry keys get written to the registry on the machine and the serial number does not pop up.

When installing using the /ju command and trying to advertise the application the above 2 registry keys ( included in the package as per my solution or workaround) does not get written to the registry on the machine and the serial number pops up

Something while using the /ju switch is preventing the registry being written to...am trying to find that out
Posted by: timmsie 15 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
Where did you add your reg keys. Was it into an existing component? if it wasn't did you add the component to an existing feature or one that you created.
Some vendor installs don't support advertising and if the key you've added is in a different feature to the advertised shourtcut then it may not get installed.
This depends on the feature structure of the msi.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Did you read the article in the link I posted? In a triumph of consistency (the ultimate oxymoron - Microsoft and consistency...), the TRANSFORMS property is ignored when advertising. You need to use the '/t' switch to apply a transform to the advertised package.
Posted by: TP24667 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
In reply to timmsie's query.....

I added the Registry keys under the Registry section under Installation Expert Using Wise Package Studio.
Should I have added it here or somewhere else?

Timmsie I am not sure what you meant when you said:
"Was it into an existing component? if it wasn't did you add the component to an existing feature or one that you created. Some vendor installs don't support advertising and if the key you've added is in a different feature to the advertised shourtcut then it may not get installed. "
I think if I undersatnd the concept what you said here I might move closer towards resolving the issue.


In reply to Ian's query....

I did go through the article and tried the installation using the command line given ( with /t switch as you have recommended) below but the serial number still pops up:

C:\>msiexec /ju "Path to the msi" t="Path to the mst" /t

I also tried incorporating a VB script ( given below) under Custom Actions/ Execute Immediate so that the keys get written to the registry of the computer before the aplication is launched but somehow the VB Script fails to trigger:
The VB script that I have used is given below:

const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strComputer = "."

Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_
strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Golden Software\Grapher\7.0"
oReg.CreateKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Golden Software\Grapher\7.0"
strValueName = ""
strValue = ""
oReg.SetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue

strValueName = "Imported"
dwValue = 1
oReg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
strValueName = "ImportGUID"
strValue = "{940AF2D-3229-1966-5U53-47435043P57E}"
oReg.SetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue


I have put the above VBscript under Msi script Custom Action / Execute Immediate after Install Finalize using the below criteria
If Not Installed then
| Call VBScipt From Installation(Action)


But the above VBscript put in the mst does not trigger/or work no matter in which sequence I place it in....
Posted by: timmsie 15 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
C:\>msiexec /ju "Path to the msi" t="Path to the mst" /t

should be C:\msiexec /ju "Path to the msi" /t "Path to the mst"

Read the "Self healing" Blog here


it will give you a better understanding of the structure of msi's
Posted by: TP24667 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Solved !!! Thanx a ton..it works like a charm!!

C:\msiexec /ju "Path to the msi" /t "Path to the mst"

I don't even require the VBScript

Thanx again Timmsie and Ian ........

I just wanted to know one last thing Timmsie...when you said

"Was it into an existing component? if it wasn't did you add the component to an existing feature or one that you created. Some vendor installs don't support advertising and if the key you've added is in a different feature to the advertised shourtcut then it may not get installed. "

Is there another method in solving this issue also.....
Posted by: timmsie 15 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
read this:


and the blog I put a link to in the previous post. Hopefully it will aid your understanding.

If using wise you click on the "setup editor" tab and the "Feature" tab you'll see the structure of the msi your working on
Posted by: TP24667 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi ,

There seems to be another issue.When I install using the command line as you suggested:
C:\msiexec /ju "Path to the msi" /t "Path to the mst" it advertises fine and launches fine however not all files are copied to under C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Grapher which amount to
115 files 0 folders

However when I install using the command line without using advertising as shown below:
C:\msiexec /i "Path to the msi" /t "Path to the mst" /qb
All files are copied to under C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Grapher which amount to
60.5 MB 278 files 5 folders

Why would this be happening...
Posted by: timmsie 15 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
probably because of the feature structure of the msi and where the shortcuts are located. That's why I attached the links in previous posts to help you understand this.
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