
Installing Agent 11.0 as post task via SDA?

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Since tokens were implemented, what's the proper way to install the agent as a post-task using the SDA?

We currently use this for Windows and macOS:

msiexec /i ampagent-11.0.119-x86.msi HOST=kbox.domain.com /qn

KACE_SERVER=kbox.domain.com installer -pkg AMPAgent.pkg -target /

And of course, it goes into quarantine to be approved. Any help is appreciated! 


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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Nico_K 4 years ago
Red Belt

there are multiple ways to install the agent.
The easiest way ist to provide token and host with the name (as you have it if you download it under 
Settings |Agent token )

As an example for Windows:
msiexec /qn /i ampagent-11.0.119-x86_kbox.domain.com +D0ae_GIYlwgVjMwFAAxiqRapP987cWHJ5CQIYXY7degDZ6RYqz-cxQ.msi   HOST=kbox.domain.com  TOKEN=D0ae_GIYlwgVjMwFAAxiqRapP987cWHJ5CQIYXY7degDZ6RYqz-cxQ NOHOOKS=1 DEBUG=all
The hostname is added after a "_" and the token after a "+"
You always can add it via option (or Linux/MacOS as a environment variable) too. The Example shows both ways which makes it redundant but it shows the way. The NOHOOKS is Windows specific and installs the agent on a way that no login hooks are triggert (has its pros and cons, in my env where some machines not always have internet access when booting up it speeds up the start)

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