Installing MSIs created under Win2K on XP SP2
I followed the great advice on the site to repackage the individual components of Adobe Creative Suite (v1). It works great.
If I take these MSIs I have created and try to install them under XP, it doesn't work so great. MSI error codes 1601.
Any ideas what I need to do inside the MSI package to have it work? My impression was that the whole point of MSI was a standards based approach to installation where dependencies and differences are handled at install-time by the Windows Installer service?
Thank you all.
If I take these MSIs I have created and try to install them under XP, it doesn't work so great. MSI error codes 1601.
Any ideas what I need to do inside the MSI package to have it work? My impression was that the whole point of MSI was a standards based approach to installation where dependencies and differences are handled at install-time by the Windows Installer service?
Thank you all.
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Answers (4)
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Posted by:
19 years ago
Reference the error here:
I'll refrain from mentioning what error 1601 is. [:)]
I'll refrain from mentioning what error 1601 is. [:)]
Posted by:
19 years ago
Posted by:
19 years ago
Posted by:
19 years ago
Hmmm. The 1601 error was obtained via Zenworks, so I just tried to install the MSI manually and I recieved the following error:
"Error 1719. The Windows Installer service could not be accessed"
So, I followed the Microsoft support article here:;EN-US;Q315346
And I'm back up and running. Why I needed to re-register the msiexec application I am not sure, but thats all it took.
"Error 1719. The Windows Installer service could not be accessed"
So, I followed the Microsoft support article here:;EN-US;Q315346
And I'm back up and running. Why I needed to re-register the msiexec application I am not sure, but thats all it took.

so that the conversation will remain readable.