


as i understoood, depending upone the value FEAUTURE gets installed, but i couldnt recognise how it relates to each other/how it works, can any one give a simple example , so i can understand, had search here in forum but i found the way to solving the problems, but havent what i expected to clear my doubt.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: hrs2cool 12 years ago
Black Belt


As for the INSTALLLEVEL property, the way this works is that any feature with a "LEVEL" attribute (as set in the Feature table) that is equal to or less than the INSTALLLEVEL value, will get installed. Any feature with a LEVEL attribute greater than the INSTALLLEVEL value, will not get installed.  I recommend you look up "Feature Table" in MSI.CHM and familiarise yourself with the column definitions for this table.

Next, have a look at the definition of the CONTROL TABLE.  This exists to allow you to change the Level attribute in the Feature table based on Conditions - which can be set via your dialogs. Again, make sure you use PUBLIC properties for any conditions set in the UI sequence otherwise the property values will be lost when the installer moves to the Execute sequence (where the installation is actually performed).

So if your INSTALLLEVEL is set to 100, (the exact value is not important as long as it's at least 2), and your initial feature levels are set to 101, neither feature will install by default. Then you take the user input and use the control table to set the level of one feature to 99 or less, and thus enable it for installation.

  • @hrs2cool & jagdish, thank guys mine confusion is clear now. - appack14 12 years ago
Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt
The INSTALLLEVEL property is the initial level at which features are selected "ON" for installation by default. A feature is installed only if the value in the Level field of the Feature table is less than or equal to the current INSTALLLEVEL value. The installation level for any installation is specified by the INSTALLLEVEL property, and can be an integral from 1 to 32,767.

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