installscript kill exe in Win2008
I want to kill an exe before I uninstall.
I am using uninstall script code which worked fine on windows server 2003, but is not working consistently on windows server 2008 R2. ( I works sometimes but not always)
I've noticed that when it does not work, that it returning the number of processes running as 128( which seems a suspiciously round computer number)
Anyone got any ideas?
Thank you in advance
I want to kill an exe before I uninstall.
I am using uninstall script code which worked fine on windows server 2003, but is not working consistently on windows server 2008 R2. ( I works sometimes but not always)
I've noticed that when it does not work, that it returning the number of processes running as 128( which seems a suspiciously round computer number)
Anyone got any ideas?
Thank you in advance
// Process information functions.
prototype NUMBER Kernel32.K32EnumProcesses(POINTER, NUMBER, BYREF NUMBER);
prototype NUMBER Kernel32.K32EnumProcessModules(NUMBER, BYREF NUMBER, NUMBER,
prototype NUMBER Kernel32.K32GetModuleFileNameEx(NUMBER, NUMBER, BYREF STRING,
// Function: _Process_Running
// Description: Determines if the specified process is running in memory.
// Parameters: szAppName - Name of the application to check.
// Returns: 1 - The process is running.
// 0 - The process is not running.
// -1 - Error querying task list
function NUMBER ProcessRunning(hMSI,szAppName)
NUMBER nvRunning; // Process is running
NUMBER nvProcessIDs(512); // Array of process IDs
NUMBER nvBytesReturned; // Number of bytes returned in process ID array
NUMBER nvProcesses; // Number of processes running
NUMBER nvIndex; // Loop index
NUMBER nvProcessHandle; // Handle to a process
NUMBER nvModuleHandle; // Handle to a process module
NUMBER nvBytesRequired; // Number of bytes required to store values
POINTER pvProcessIDs; // Pointer to process ID array
STRING svModuleName; // Module name
STRING svFileName; // Module filename
STRING szMessage; // Message String
// The psapi.dll reads the Windows NT performance database. The DLL
// is part of the Win32 SDK.
// Could not load psapi.dll.
WriteToLogFile(hMSI,"ERROR: Could not load [" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"]. Rolling back uninstall");
return -1;
// Get the PIDs of all currently running processes.
nvRunning = 0;
pvProcessIDs = ArrayToPointer(nvProcessIDs);
K32EnumProcesses(pvProcessIDs, 512, nvBytesReturned);
// Determine the number of process IDs retrieved. Each process ID
nvProcesses = nvBytesReturned / PROCESSID_LENGTH;
Sprintf(szMessage, "INFO: ProcessRunning: nvRunning = %d, nvProcesses = %d", nvRunning,nvProcesses);
WriteToLogFile(hMSI, szMessage);
// Get the executable associated with each process, and check if
// its filename matches the one passed to the function.
for nvIndex = 1 to nvProcesses
// Get a handle to the process.
nvProcessHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |
PROCESS_VM_READ, 0, nvProcessIDs(nvIndex));
Sprintf(szMessage, "INFO: ProcessRunning: nvIndex = %d, nvProcessHandle = %d", nvIndex,nvProcessHandle);
WriteToLogFile(hMSI, szMessage);
if nvProcessHandle != 0 then
// Get a handle to the first module in the process, which
// should be the executable.
if K32EnumProcessModules(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
PROCESSID_LENGTH, nvBytesRequired) != 0 then
// Get the path of the module.
if K32GetModuleFileNameEx(nvProcessHandle, nvModuleHandle,
svModuleName, SizeOf(svModuleName)) != 0 then
// Extract the filename (without an extension) from
// the path.
ParsePath(svFileName, svModuleName, FILENAME_ONLY);
Sprintf(szMessage, "INFO: ProcessRunning: nvRunning = %d, nvProcesses = %d, svFileName = %s, svModuleName = %s, szAppName = %s ", nvRunning,nvProcesses,svFileName,svModuleName,szAppName);
WriteToLogFile(hMSI, szMessage);
if StrCompare(svFileName, szAppName) = 0 then
// The process module matches the application
// name passed to the function.
nvRunning = 1;
goto ProcessRunningEnd;
if UnUseDLL(PSAPI_FILE) < 0 then
// Log this failure but ignore it since the task has been completed.
WriteToLogFile(hMSI,"ERROR: Could not unload [" + WINSYSDIR ^ PSAPI_FILE +
"]. Will ignore.");
return nvRunning;
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