
Installshield Upgrade Table

Hi All,

Good day. Im a newbie at installshield, my problem is I have to upgrade the existing application and I dont know how to use the upgrade table. I tried to put the upgrade code of the existing package on the upgrade table. When i try to build the application it prompt me an error indicating that the actionProperty is .......

Could any one help me on what should I input on the upgrade table. ( UpgradeCode,VersionMin, VersionMax, Language, Attributes, Remove, ActionProperty and ISDisplayName)

Thanks and have a nice day.


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Answers (2)

Posted by: knight 19 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Thanks wildhair, Ill better review it on the SDK.
Posted by: williamp 19 years ago
Orange Belt
Given that you are using installshield, you don't have to edit the upgrade table directly, you can use the InstallShield upgrade view. Which, depending on which version you use, you might find in your Basic MSI Project as follows:

Installation Designer --> Media --> Upgrades --> Prepare Setup for Upgrade Scenarios --> Upgrade Windows Installer Setup --> (context mouse click) Add Major Upgrade Item

In your description below, you trailed off before detailing the error you are getting. So I have to guess that you encountered the "actionproperty not secured" error. If so, then use the view/wizard as I described, it will take care of that issue for you.

As for values to populate the fields, I usually put the VersionMax value as the new version#, the VersionMin value as blank, and the inclusive bits as zero (version fields not inclusive)


ORIGINAL: knight

Hi All,

Good day. Im a newbie at installshield, my problem is I have to upgrade the existing application and I dont know how to use the upgrade table. I tried to put the upgrade code of the existing package on the upgrade table. When i try to build the application it prompt me an error indicating that the actionProperty is .......

Could any one help me on what should I input on the upgrade table. ( UpgradeCode,VersionMin, VersionMax, Language, Attributes, Remove, ActionProperty and ISDisplayName)

Thanks and have a nice day.

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