
Is it possible to do MI's while only on-prem?

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Hello all, 

I'm currently working on a project involving Kace SMA, and I had a quick question. We are in a spot where some patches need to go out to client machines, but we don't want them to go out over VPN due to the worlds current situation. Is it possible to trigger managed installs only if a client PC is connected on-prem, or am I up the creek?

Thanks in advance.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Nico_K 4 years ago
Red Belt

if I understand you correctly, you only want to install software if the device is in the company office or any branch office and not remote when VPNing into it.

So you need to create smart labels which check for the IP address and the machine is only in this label when it has a local IP or any other option to determine if the machine is locally or not.
Then bind the MI only to this label.
Or if you need multiple labels you can build labels with the label wizard which contain multiple linked labels (ie Label Name = local IP Label AND Label Name = Workstation label) and link them to the MI/Scripts.

Please be aware that with a check in the machines go into the label if they are onsite and fall off when they are VPNed

  • Gotcha, so I essentially just need to figure out which subnets are our VPN, and which are local. Then make smart labels from there. That is going to be rough, since that's going to be a pretty constantly changing label, but that's a super creative method. I like it, thank you.

    I'm thinking I'd need to create a label that really just says IF NOT on the VPN subnet AND HAS software. Things get messy with hundreds of branches over multiple countries sadly :[ - Cheecho 4 years ago
Posted by: KevinG 4 years ago
Red Belt

Distribution -> Managed Installations (MI Feature) and the Security -> Patch Management (Patching feature),  like most of the other features of the SMA allow you to target devices by using labels.

Group your devices using a label and use this label in your deployments.

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