
Is the Dell XPS 8700 PC fully supported by KACE?

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Hi Folks,

We are currently looking to purchase around 100 XPS 8700 for our media labs and will hopefully be getting a test machine to trial soon.

However I was wondering if there are any issues with using KACE to run Dell updates to the XPS 8700 or using the KACE 2000 to deploy images to them etc.

I wanted to check to see if there were any known issues and any problems that KACE users might have come across if they are supporting the XPS 8700.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Many thanks

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: jknox 9 years ago
Red Belt
Consumer systems (XPS, Alienware, Inspiron) are not currently supported by Dell Updates. Only business platforms (Latitude, Optiplex, and Precision) utilize Dell Updates at this time.  As such, I'd recommend looking at something like a Precision workstation instead.

Outside of Dell Updates, both the K1000 and K2000 should fully support XPS models.

I'd recommend submitting a feature request on Uservoice if Dell Updates on consumer platforms is functionality you would like to see in the K1000: https://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000?query=dell%20updates

Short of that, you could manually keep track of driver versions with custom inventory rules, smart labels and the like.
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