
Is there a way to bulk update licensing information that is already in the appliance?

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Hi, Team

I am looking for a way to bulk update licensing information.

I need to split a license record from a multiple license count to a record per single license.

This is to assign individual licenses to individual users or devices.

In addition, I would need to bulk update this information to reflect annual Maintenance payments and expiry dates, or subscription renewals.

For example, I have 850 licenses for Trend Micro.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!



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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Bulk import is the recommended solution
Posted by: Hobbsy 4 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

The only way you could do that would be to import all the license records that you need as new, through the Asset Import function.

It is a bit of pain, data manipulation wise, but can be done.

Top tips:

1, Make sure you copy and paste Software inventory names into your CSV, so they exactly match

2, Use the Primary Key fields (PK) where you can to avoid duplication

3, Save your CSV in UTF-8 format, as that is much less likely to error when importing large numbers of data records

  • Thanks, Hobbsy.
    It would be nice if there was a way to automatically duplicate the licensing information according to the quantity entered in the first record.

    For example, a button to press that says "convert to individual licenses"
    This would look at the quantity and automatically duplicate the existing record the correct number of times while listing the quantity for each entry as one.

    This would be a great feature to simplify data entry and I believe would be a significant plus factor for anyone making a decision to purchase.

    As regards the bulk import scenario, though, a couple of questions:

    1) Does the bulk import append the the new records or does the import overwrite the existing records?
    2) If the latter, does the bulk import overwrite only the named records, or the entire database?

    Thanks & regards
    Stephen - StephenK 4 years ago
    • Ideas like this would be great if you registers it on kace.uservoice.com ;o)

      Regarding the import, if you select the primary key correctly (pk) then the record will append, rather than create.

      I would suggest you prepare the individual license records, load up and then delete the original bulk license - Hobbsy 4 years ago
      • Got it, thanks. I have submitted the idea on Uservoice - let's hope it is upvoted! - StephenK 4 years ago
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