Is there a way to force Windows Update to include Office updates without having to run office once?
I did a quick search and didn't turn anything up, so I hope this hasn't already been covered a dozen times. When we deploy our machines (scripted installs), one of the many steps we have to do is opening something from the Microsoft Office Suite 2010 and answer their "Do you want to include office updates with your windows udpates?" questionare (so as to get Office updates via the Windows Update tool). Is there a way to force this (allowing Windows Update to pull the Office updates) to happen automatically WITHOUT having to open an office product? I know that we can push updates with the K1000, but that isn't an option right at this moment. All of our Office products are customized via MSP files, if that is useful at all. Thanks in advance!
Answers (2)
Try adding these registry keys using the admin tool or GPO.
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\Internet\UseOnlineContent REG_DWORD 00000001
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\General\ShownFirstRunOptin REG_DWORD 00000001
Finally got to give it a try and now I don't get that annoying little message from MS Office at first run. Thanks for the info! - scragman 11 years ago