
Is there documentation for verifying backup files for version 10.0 and later? I need to verify the SMA version of some backup files.

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Posted by: Channeler 3 years ago
Red Belt

Recent versions of the backups, (since version 8.0 I think), have the version imprinted in the naming convention generated by KACE itself.

See this old screenshot I had from last year:
Here we can clearly see that:

-It's a backup from April 11th, 2020
-It's an incremental one, not the base version(incr)
-And it's a backup from KACE SMA  version 10.0.290

How are you offboarding those backups?
(Perhaps a custom script that's renaming the files for some reason?).

Posted by: Moncus 3 years ago
Blue Belt

Ahh, I should have chosen my verbiage more carefully.  When I said "Version" I actually meant "Disk Size"

 I do not recall if the old SMA was 1TB or 3TB.

Also, is there still a box.com archive of old OVF versions?  (I have a support ticket open for this question as well, and I can move the link over to this thread once provided)

Posted by: KevinG 3 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

The size of the SMA disk 1T or 3T is not a factor in the ability to restore the backup files.

However, the backup files MUST be the version running on the SMA.

Only versions 11.0, 11,1, and 12.0 are supported at this time.

You will need to open a support ticket to receive assistance with upgrading to a supported version.

  • Thank you most kindly Mr. Gehrke! - Moncus 3 years ago
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