
Issue with MS Project 2010 installing Silently

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I am working on getting MS Project Pro 2010 to install through SCCM 2012. I am using the OCT tool that Microsoft provides and I am having a few issues with it not installing silently and recognizing my Product Key. 

In the Licensing and user interface section I check the radio Button Enter another Product Key and enter my Valid Product Key. I then check the box to accept the terms in the license Agreement.

I Set this display Level to None and check the boxes for Suppress modal and no cancel.

I then go to Modify Setup Properties and put AUTO_ACTIVATE  as property name and Value is set to 1. I save the .MSP file to the updates folder as suggested.

Once the app shoes in System Center I launch the install, but it asks me to accept the terms and agreement and Install Now.

I feel like I may be over looking something and if anyone has any suggestions I am open to them.




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Answers (2)

Posted by: Chad_Cooper 11 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Click on Modify Setup Properties


Value = 1

Posted by: tecrumors 11 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt

start the admin setup with "setup.exe" /admin

There you can customize your setup. 

You will find this step:

  • In the media for Project, there is a PrjPro.WW folder (or PrjStd.WW for Standard). In there, edit the config.xml file so the top line should have this value:

    <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />

    That should do what you are looking for. The line should already exist and be commented out, with default values for easy editing. - drose23 11 years ago

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