
Issues with Business Object User 6

Hi All,
I am trying to package Business objects user version 6.0. If I make the MST for the existing MSI then it does not intsall a few folders. But these folders can seen in our transfrom. Any idea on how to get these folders installed?
I also trieds to make a MSI for the vendor MSI but then when I launch the shortcut I get an error message saying "Missing Component or something like that".
Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

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Answers (5)

Posted by: adaptability 19 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Hi Archana,

First thing you should do is check whether any conditions are given to components and which feature does these components belong.

If you are using wise package studio use visual msidiff and compare the differences b/w MSI and the mst you have created.

I will give a clue.I think i should be able to give more steps depending on the output of these two steps.

Posted by: jaswicki 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I have a similar issue except that my MST works perfectly on a Windows 2000 machine with Windows installer 2.0 but only installs about 3/4 of the files on an XP machine. Has anyone gotten anywhere in fixing this issue?
Posted by: bheers 19 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Check the conditions on the components, some components might have been conditioned " VersionNT>=500 " to be installed only on WIndows 2000" Change it to "
VersionNT=501 And WindowsBuild>=2264"

"If you have a component that contains data such as files and registry entries that are specific to Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me, attach the following condition to the component:

The Version9X property is automatically set by Windows Installer under Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me using the formula (MajorVersion * 100) + MinorVersion, and it remains undefined under other operating systems. For example, to install a component only on Windows 98 (original or Windows 98 Second Edition), use the following as the component's condition:

To install a component only on machines running Windows 2000 or later, specify the following expression for its Condition property:

To install a component only on Windows XP, specify the following expression for its Condition property:

VersionNT=501 And WindowsBuild>=2264"
Posted by: Bladerun 19 years ago
Green Belt
Is there a setup.exe associated with the MSI from the vendor?
Posted by: laupiais 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I am able to install Business Objects 6 using the vendor msi and the /qb switch. It installs no problem. However, the application complains that there is no license present, which is logical as I didn't include it when I ran the vendor msi. The million dollar question of course, how does one add the license after the installation? Anyone have any ideas\tips\comments about this is?


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