
Issues with WPS 7


I've indentified some issues with Wise Package Studio 7, which I've posted onto the Altiris Support Forum (see link below)

Link to my posting on Altiris Forums

I'm quite sure that others have come across these issues and maybe additional problems.

I don't have "support" with Altiris to report these problems (I do have a valid license to use the product), and therefore they won't raise an incident for the problems.

Issues with a product "out of the box" should be resolved FOC in my opinion and therefore I am urging one and all to raise these faults with Altiris through support requests and posting on the forum - in an effort to encourage Altiris to release free fixes for deficiencies in their product that should not have seen the light of day.



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Answers (9)

Posted by: rpfenninger 18 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Some of the problems you encounter have been fixed through HotFixes (there are at least 4 HotFixes out now).
Check Altiris Knowledgebase for those HotFixes (and further updates).

Posted by: dunnpy 18 years ago
Red Belt

Thanks for the information... it's quite well hidden on the Altiris site though..

Stupidly I've been opening WPS 7 and clicking Help>Check for Updates - which only displays hotfix 1 for the upgrade problem.

Why didn't Altiris support just point me to the hotfixes rather that fobbing me off?

Incidently only one of the hotfixes reportly solve the issues I have raised.

1 down 3 more to go then....

Here's the link to the hotfixes :

Link to Altiris KB Articles for Hotfixes
Posted by: rpfenninger 18 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Just wanted to inform you that Wise Package Studio 7.0 Service Pack 1 has been released yesterday!
Hopefully it fixes all those issues. (The list of all fixed issues as well as the enhancements like Windows Vista Support) is pretty long.
However, it still isn't available through the Altiris Product Updates site. Try to download it through the Wise Support Center.


Posted by: dunnpy 18 years ago
Red Belt

Thanks for the posting, I've downloaded the service pack and release notes.

It's interesting that there is no mention of the ICE34 error being resolved in this update, or the "inserting an IF statement places a corresponding END statement at the very bottom of the script" issue.

I was led to believe that Altiris only correct issues if enough people raise the problem with them.
Which is very poor in my opinion - if an issue is raised, and it is valid, then the developers should endeavour to resolve the problems whether 1 person reported it or 100 - an issue with their software is still an issue.

I had been in contact with Altiris support regarding the IF/END statements, but they couldn't reproduce the problem (they were adding an END statement into the desired place in the script, but ignoring the orphaned END statements at the bottom of the script).
I sent a nice diagram demonstrating the issue and pointed out the grey line which joins the IF statement (placed where required) and the END statement (at the very bottom of the script). I have heard nothing back - despite emailing again to chase the issue.

I guess they've been busy with this service pack.


Posted by: rpfenninger 18 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Please tell me after you've installed the service pack if your issues have been resolved.
Otherwise I'm trying to report them through the Defect Reporting on the Wise website.
Have you reported those issues there already?

I've reported an issue regarding the installation itself and it should be fixed in the SP1 Setup.

Posted by: dunnpy 18 years ago
Red Belt
I've just had time to have a look at SP1.

The ICE34 error appears to have been cleared up.

See below for the response from Altiris:

Hi P:

I apologize for the inconvenience that you are encountering with this issue. Currently, we have a simple workaround that you can implement into your template for all projects. Unfortunately, they have not placed a target date or implemented a hotfix for this feature. One of the criterias that Product Management and Development uses to determine whether a hotfix/bug fix is implemented will be how many customers are impacted the issue. Therefore, I've added your name to display that customers are needing this issue to be fixed.
Note: Please do not modify this part of the message. Modifications to this part of your reply email will not be captured.

Thank you,
<Name Withheld to protect the "innocent">
Altiris Technical Support

The IF/END statement issue is still there.. this has been logged with Altiris under "Work Item #153724 - Scripting-If Statement", I still haven't received any contact regarding this issue since 10th October when I sent an example of the issue.

I guess we all need to shout about these problems and then (fingers crossed) they might be included in the next service pack.


Posted by: rpfenninger 18 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
After validating the first package I created since I've updated to WPS 7.0 SP1 I noticed, that the two ICE03 errors
String overflow (greater than length permitted in column); Table: RadioButton, Column: Text, Key(s): ShutdownOption.2 ice03.html RadioButton Text ShutdownOption 2

Evaluation: ICE03

are still there.

You're right. The ICE 34 error has been replaced with a new ICE23
Dialog Resume_Install_Dialog has dead-end tab order at control Bitmap32. ice23.html Control Control Resume_Install_Dialog Bitmap32

Evaluation: ICE23

I'm going to report those through Wise' Web Site.
This is really annoying.

I still have an issue with the PreFlight Analysis tool...
Posted by: hcoenen 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
we encountered ICE23 after installing wise package studio 7 service pack 2

this problem was solved after altering the windows application.wsi in the template folder
In the control table there is a row which starts with Dialog_ named Resume_Install_Dialog and control named Bitmap32
we changed the value of Control_Next in the same row to InstallNow so tab control order is ok.
Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
Just wanted to cross post this as others may have this same problem during an upgrade.

Originally posted by: EdT
This is a known issue, please see KB 35221 which covers the same issue, albeit from a different angle.
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