iTunes 11.0.2 Self healing
I'm trying to copy the 2 iTunesPrefs.xml under AppData & LocalAppData & I got my MSI to self heal by creating 2 components in the highest parent feature. On the first launch I noticed the file size changed from 1kb to 173kb (This is where it should stop) & went to 43kb. Can someone tell me what's going on with my Transform?
Answers (2)
Strictly speaking, you should create a new feature for the components and then make a feature which contains an advertised an entry-point a child of your new feature. As to the file size growth, who cares?
Seriously, I have never been that curious to find out but, if you absolutely have to know - and what would you to anyway to make it smaller, if that's your goal? - load the MST into a decent text editor that can open binary files sensibly e.g. TextPad and see what you can find.