
java 5.0

Hi All

I've scoured the web and appdeploy for the best way to create an msi for java so that I can deploy it across the network through AD. I think I've followed all the various solutions provided properly but java will still not install for me on to the pc. I'm at a bit of a loss. I'm not sure if the server is pushing out the package properly or not. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. What are the possible ways to find where the problem lies?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: brenthunter2005 19 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
Check the Application Event Log on a computer that you have tried to deployed Java to.
Posted by: W1SEGuy 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hey Northerly,

I have just encountered the same problem as you. I initially tried deploying the MSI and MST that is wrapped in the exe but found it only created an entry in add-remove programs but not actually install. I got it working by using WISE Install Tailor to create my own MST. Second to that I had to change a public property in the MST (SUPPORTDIR) to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01 or else it wouldnt add into AD. I again used WISE install editor to do this but I imagine you could just as easily use orca. I have found doing this will enable the msi to install correctly either on a clean pc or update an existing pervious version. Anyways if you still have problems leave a message and I can either give you further direction or email you my mst.


Posted by: gizmo 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi :)

When you run the JRE setup (exe) filer ... it creates and "msi-installation" i a subfolder in C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Temp

.... so you (when the setup is still running) find the folder and makes a copy of it .... inside it you have a msi witch you can deploy through your AD :)
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