Java 7 Update via GPO fails sometimes ( / patchjre.exe)
I have many clients where the java update 7u71 is not working properly. On some Clients it works, on others not. I can't notice a pattern. The update will be installed through gpo to Windows 7 x64 Computers. It seems the update interrupts for some reason.
After interrupted update:
On deployment share:
GPO Java7 update history:
GPO Settings
Does anybody know why this happens?
After interrupted update:
On deployment share:
GPO Java7 update history:
GPO Settings
Does anybody know why this happens?
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Posted by:
10 years ago
From experience, the Java installers are not that reliable when there is an earlier version installed. We ended up using msizap to delete any previous versions before installing the latest as this seemed to solve the sort of issues we, and you, were experiencing.
There is a script on this site which purports to remove all JREs (up to the version for which it was authored, obviously). Mind you, I've not seen any issues with leaving older versions behind, so long as the PATH to them is removed. Wny leave them? Well, as you know, some vendors are cerebrally-challenged and hard-code paths to files and/or registry settings when checking for the installed version.
Having said *that*, I have in the past "ghosted" registry data for such applications (i.e. created dummy entries for version x.y_z that point to the actual installed version a.b_c). - anonymous_9363 10 years ago
jre7u67 -> jre7u71 fails
jre7u67 -> jre7u71 works (sometimes)
but then
jre7u71 -> jre7u71 JRE is broken. - deploymentist 10 years ago