Java 8 installation issue (K2000)
Having issues with Java 8 installations. The tasks fails and the deployment halts. However Java 8 is still installed. And if I click "resume task execution" without waiting too long, the red cross becomes a green check symbol and the tasks continues without any problem (se screenie). If I linger too long at the failed task troubleshooting or having a cup of coffe, and then click resume, everything below fails.
The Java install task is pretty straight forward. An application task type simply executing "jre-8u66-windows-i586.exe /s". Start /wait doesn't seem to be supported here. I've also tried with execution a script.cmd that contains "start /wait jre-8u66-windows-i586.exe /s", but then /s is not regonized. All contained in a zip of course.
Below are some screenies I took.
Please help, I'm going nuts with this one. I've also looked for msi's of Java 8 but out of luck.
Answers (3)
Top Answer
to get the msi, on a workstation open a browser and go to, download and install
you will then find the msi in the user that you used to install java with
Thank you! Then I just pretty much run it with msiexec /i jre1.8.0_71.msi /passive /norestart AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 REBOOT=suppress. Yeah? - szo850 9 years ago
Search IT Ninja for details on how to get that done.
I tried searching but got lots of old entries. What should I use for the search terms?
I have found search on itninja to be very frustrating. Maybe I need some tips - jfrasier 9 years ago-
You need a file on each endpoint to suppress that. See Oracle's documentation: - taylor-madeak 9 years ago