
Just looking to push a single file out over the network - Word 2007 Normal.dotm

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We've got Office2007 installed on all our workstations (~325) and it seems that there wasn't a proper custom installation done.  Now, we need to modify the default Word template (normal.dotm).


I feel like this should probably be a pretty simple task, but I'm very new to the KACE so I'm not sure how to go about it.


Here's what's up:

I've got a copy of the normal.dotm file (modified to our needs). I've uploaded to the K1 software inventory.


The file needs to be pushed to each workstation to the directory "%appdata%\Microsoft\Templates" (which gets you somewhere like ":C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates"

It looks like the "File Synocronization " tab under the "Distribution" tab on the K1 is a logical way to do push this, but my attempt has not worked yet.

It says it has deployed it but it's not working on the target system as intended.  

I'm thinking the path is the problem?

Here's how it looks in that screen: 

and here's how it looks in the software screen:

What am I missing?

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: cblake 11 years ago
Red Belt

Your premise and execution look proper to me; I think one of 2 things is going on;

1- normal.dotm is in use; if Word (or Outlook in some cases) are or were running it's likely in use.

2- (More likely) It's quite possible that since the agent runs as LOCAL SYSTEM it's an access rights issue. As a test you could grant "Everyone" access to that directory on a system and try it. If it works you know the directory is locked down from Local System; If that is the case I'd recommend using an online script configured to use specific credentials that can access it, like a domain or local admin account.

  • I believe no one was actively logged-in during deployment.

    I guess I'm a bit confused as to how the Kace handles such deployments since we're talking about moving a file for each user who logs into that workstation.

    I'm not really seeing any options about over-writing files or verifying the correct version already exist, or even copy once, copy always, etc etc. Which makes me feel like the Kace appliance is falling short in this area. Which has been my experience with it overall so far..it just doesn't do as much as I'd hoped it would and I find myself having to turn to other tools & solutions to fill the gaps.

    As far as permissions go, since the folder created is "C:\Users\username..." setting permissions to "everyone" for that folder wouldn't be an option. And permissions on any lower level folder aren't possible as the user folder isn't created until that user has logged in at least once.

    I'm wondering if a GPO is a better way to do this? I'm new to that too..

    I'm looking for a way to handle it with some logic that doesn't just leave me spamming the file out every time a user logs in, regardless of previous use/existence. - anonymous_94669 11 years ago
    • Sorry- I overlooked (and forgot) that office keeps normal.dot in the profile.

      Sounds like a script is the right way to go; since the agent is running as LOCAL SYSTEM, a variable for the username would not return any user; so a script set to run as logged on user is the right solution. GPO is perfectly fine as well; most of the time Scripting and GPO can accomplish similar things. To me it's a matter of what's easiest, and what's most sustainable for the organization. Since you're looking for logic; you can use pure scripting; or a combo of custom inventory/labels/scripting.

      I may be a bit biased, but I've yet to find something the K1 couldn't do, but admittedly since there's always more than one way to peel the banana it can be confusing to determine which path is best sometimes. Please do check out the KKE series- free sessions on almost every imaginable topic. http://www.kace.com/kke - I'd go watch the recordings for Custom Inventory, Scripting, and File Sync, and then attend a Q&A session on a Thursday to fill in gaps.

      Hope that helps! - cblake 11 years ago

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