
K1000 rule:Open a ticket automatically

I dont know if it is able but what i want is an automatically ticket from monday to friday at 15:30 in one of my queues.
I know that i have to select the email address of my servicedesk and send there the notification, in this way it will open a ticket, but what i dont figure out is the rest of the field and tables that i have to select, if i have to select any.
my code doest give me errors, but it doesnt send any email at all.

->Select SQL

select  1, 'servicedesk@mycompany.br' as email_servicedesk


where curtime() = '15:30:00'
and DAYNAME(NOW()) NOT IN ('Saturday','Sunday')  /* not the weekend */

->checkbox sending email
Coluna contendo endereços de e-mail: email_servicedesk

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • if i change the code the way im gonna show and i put my email, it sends me the email perfectly. if i put the email for my servicedesk, 'the last register of execution' says that the email has been sent, but it is nowhere.

    select 1, 'servicedesk@mycompany.br' as email_servicedesk

    from HD_QUEUE

    where DATE(NOW())= '2014-12-17'
    and DAYNAME(NOW()) NOT IN ('Saturday','Sunday') /* not the weekend */

    any ideas????
    Thank you!! - Paloma 10 years ago
    • Why don't you use the SQL update area to create a ticket?

      You can use the INSERT INTO command. Be careful though since doing this wrong can damage your database. - h2opolo25 10 years ago
  • thank you for the answer but insert into in which way???i dont see the point, i dont see how im gonna create a ticket. - Paloma 10 years ago
    • you can create a new ticket by inserting a new row in the HD_TICKET table with the proper parameters. That's how all tickets get created, you're just skipping the application layer and going straight to the database.

      for example:
      insert into HD_TICKET (TITLE, HD_QUEUE_ID)
      values('New Ticket', 1)

      would make a ticket in queue 1 with just a title of New Ticket. It would not have a create date or anything. You can add that in to your insert statement and create a ticket this way. - h2opolo25 10 years ago
  • woww thank you very much!!! i see what you say already!! thats perfect! im gonna test it now - Paloma 10 years ago

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