
K2000 - Scripted Installations - Missing BOOTMGR

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So I have created a custom install.wim file. I have applied it to bootable windows 7 professional usb drive. I have used Media Manager to upload the new source pointing to the root of the usb drive. ( I have used the custom wim file to a normal install so I know it works.)

I have created a scripted installation using the new source. When I boot off of the KBE disk I choose the scripted installation it goes through and preforms the tasks of creating a single partition and format it to NTFS then when the windows setup should start it waits a second then restarts the computer. At that time is says that BOOTMGR is missing.

Any ideas?


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Answers (2)

Posted by: petrybosch 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
the restarts are the set boot actions (you can adjust these in the kbox).
the reason it says BOOTMGR missing, is because there is noting on the harddisk.

just try to boot the pc manually to the network (pxe) and check if that works.
Posted by: d_firlotte 13 years ago
Orange Belt
I have discovered my issue. The USB Drive with windows 7 setup installed on it was... 32 and I was using a 64 version of the install.wim. The usb was labeled incorrectly.

For trouble shooting I deceided that the usb drive should be me remade the install.wim file copied onto it and then reupload the source. Worked after that.

Thanks for your help. I appreciate the time.
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