
Kace SMA - Office 365 Patching

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Hi IT Ninja Community,

Does anyone know if you can manage Office 365 patching from Kace SMA?



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Answers (2)

Posted by: khaslbauer 3 years ago
Senior White Belt

Hmm... I don't think we've really seen that issue.  Most of our patching happens after hours when systems aren't logged in, but with our laptops that are patched during the day, it seems to do its thing and then is good after reboot.  Maybe open a ticket.

Posted by: khaslbauer 3 years ago
Senior White Belt

We DO get M365 patches via KACE, but the concern is not updating our image in a timely manner (which has Office installed).  As I understand it, if you're on anything other than the semi-annual channel, and include M365 with your image deployment, you'd have to make sure that M365 install is being updated every single month.  Otherwise, it's not getting patched.  The Semi-annual channel gives you 14 months, but again... if you don't update your OSD within that time-frame, you're going to stop getting Office updates.

  • Hi,

    That's interesting... I try to set Kace Patch on Office 365 too, for a semi-annual channel.
    But it looks like updates are not installed because Office is open when the schedule occurs. How do you proceed to update Office with success in this case ?

    KACE seems to match with our needs because updates are only for the minor build (security and small features). The major build won't upgrade, which allow us to qualify and master our releasment to users.

    Regards - Nioky 3 years ago
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