KacePatch version check failed
Many devices on my KACE SMA is failing during detection with result "error (KacePatch version check failed)" Can someone help me to resolve that?
On K1000 log I see these errors:
[2020-09-10 22:02:16 +0200] KBOX [info] Failed verify module for agent, KUID: xxxxxxxxxx-fe88-44f3-8012-e65a967c11e9 module: KACEPATCH - Error: The agent returned status code: 502 502
[2020-09-10 22:02:39 +0200] KBOX [info] Failed verify module for agent, KUID: xxxxxxxxxx-3523-4fb5-b99c-0059a594e02d module: KACEPATCH - Error: The agent returned status code: 502 502
[2020-09-10 22:03:37 +0200] KBOX [info] Failed verify module for agent, KUID: xxxxxxxxxx-0da0-4503-9995-57eb1c1ae228 module: KACEPATCH - Error: The agent returned status code: 502 502
[2020-09-10 22:04:01 +0200] KBOX [info] Failed verify module for agent, KUID: xxxxxxxxxx-311c-45b7-9d77-c747fd33d5a9 module: KACEPATCH - Error: The agent returned status code: 502 502
[2020-09-10 22:05:10 +0200] KBOX [info] Failed verify module for agent, KUID: xxxxxxxxxx-68b0-4cd8-89c2-af37bb8185bf module: KACEPATCH - Error: The agent returned status code: 502 502
[2020-09-10 22:06:43 +0200] KBOX [info] Failed verify module for agent, KUID: xxxxxxxxxx-3419eb36-ec4e-4a81-a40f-xxxx module: KACEPATCH - Error: The agent returned status code: 502 502
[2020-09-10 22:08:57 +0200] KBOX [info] Failed verify module for agent, KUID: xxxxxxxxxx-8215-4786-8a6e-4b8f6d9358ac module: KACEPATCH - Error: The agent returned status code: 502 502
We are having the exact same issue. Thing is, some KACEPATCH.exe files are up to date and still fail. Sometimes servers complete, but mostly fail. And it seems its happening with servers using a rep share. - lama01 4 years ago
Exactl lama01, I'm facing this issue. - scoterland 4 years ago
We still haven't resolved this even with KACE support. It seems like for us, sites with low bandwidth are having the issue. We disabled Riverbed, ASA. Some sites work ok others don't. the connection drops for some reason when we look at the logs. - lama01 4 years ago
Answers (2)
The issue is that the KACEPATCH.EXE is needing the latest version 10.2.110, completing a manual update on the catalog and patches should resolve the issue by updating the file. Once updated on the appliance the KAgent will update the client machines for the latest version. Its also possible to manually copy the 10.2.110 version and replace on the client system.
Thank you for the answer but unfortnantly it is not related to this issue, all clients that are failing have the same version and I have also reinstalled many clients and the issue persist. - scoterland 4 years ago
I would suggest to contact support and gather the logs from the client using the KAT utility and the SMA logs so a more in-depth analysis can be completed. The error 502 is a network error that is reporting a bad gateway and sounds like its trying to route to a bad path. - TheAustinDave 4 years ago
I see servers with the correct kacepatch.exe versions and still failing. - lama01 4 years ago