
Locked down environment

I am new to packaging, can anyone please help me with this query.
Basically is there any functionality in Wise package studio and Installshield admin studio where i am able to give non admin users the ability to launch packages that require access to files they don't have permissions to access.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: Bladerun 19 years ago
Green Belt
Installing an app as local admin is usually done by the software distribution agent.
Posted by: cdupuis 19 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
I don't think that any software meant for general use should require any sort of admin access to run. If you are in a windows 2000/2003 AD environment, then look at setting folder and registry permissions either via a script or a group policy to open up the areas of the machine that the app requires access to.
Posted by: Francoisracine 19 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Depending of the software design, there is a possibility you will have to change some registry or file system permissions.

We are using regmon and filemon to help us creating an inf.
Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
You say "launch packages"... Are you asking if there is a way to launch an install for an application, or the application itself? If you're asking how can non-administrators install packages themselves, refer to the following Microsoft KB article:

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