
Making a Transfom messing up boot.ini


I have problems making a transfom for SPSS 13 using AdminStudio6.
The problem is that when I use my new developed transform during install all is working fine untill I make a reboot.
On restart I get : boot.ini is missing ???
How can it be that my transform is messing up my boot.ini ?

Anyone have any ideas ?

Thanks in advance


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Answers (4)

Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
That's a really cool error, but your not giving us much information to work with!

Presumeably you've already checked that your package and transform aren't modifying or deleting the "boot.ini"?

You should also be able to verify that fact before you reboot?
Posted by: andler 19 years ago
Orange Belt
I have not been able to find any changes made to the boot.ini inside the mst-file.
If I install the product using only msi-file and it all works fine.
It's only with use of the response transform file, but the transfom dos not contain any boot.ini.
How can it then make changes to the boot.ini ?

To your information the program i want to make a transform to is SPSS 13 for Windows.
Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
But, have you checked your "boot.ini" between the time you make the install and the reboot?
Posted by: andler 19 years ago
Orange Belt
The boot.ini was deleted during install ??
I have now made a new transform, without using the option Response. Instead I set all properties in the installation string.

It's working fine now, but why the boot.ini was deleted is still unanswered.
I don't intend to use to mush time investigate it either.
It could be something to do with using the option response MST, but then again I have used this with success earlier.

Anyway, thank you for replying WiseUser.


My install string for SPSS 13 :
msiexec.exe /I "SPSS for Windows.msi" TRANSFORMS="SPSS for Windows.mst" COMPANYNAME="MyCompany" SPSSLICENSE="Network" LSHOST="" /qb-

The transform basically change the links from appear in Programs-menu to a custom menu. And also adds some 101 PDF's containing formulas.
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