
Making an install advertised per-user install all features.

Ok, it's time to ask my peers as to how do you do it because I think I am doing it wrong. I take a setup capture of any generic application and I have several features at the root level for that application. I want to be able to have all features install when the user clicks any of the shortcuts because I know he is one of those laptop kind of people that likes to leave the LAN.

I tried playing with the INSTALLLEVEL property with no success and ADDLOCAL = ALL turns off advertising. I set the INSTALLLEVEL for each feature to 1, make it required and set the Attributes to Favor Local with no success. So I thought why don't I make a main feature and put all the features under it with the INSTLALLLEVEL, Required, and Favor Local set? But that did not even work.

The only success I have had is to put all components into one feature. Is this the only way I can accomplish this?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: VikingLoki 20 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
AFAIK, that's the way to do it. It makes logical sense too, if you never want a "partial" install of one feature and not others then the whole app is really a single feature, isn't it. It's either all installed, or completely not installed. One feature.

..of course I'm still watching this thread for other interesting ideas.
Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
kkaminsk try this.

Go to the feature page and create a feature called Complete or ALL. Go to details and in Parent select NONE. Now move all of the features into that one and make sure its set to Always install.
Posted by: kkaminsk 20 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
MSIMaker, I had the technique mentioned above fail last week but I think it was due to the fact that wierd things occur if you publish an MSI to a user that has a roaming profile then re-publish the app with feature structure changes to the same account. I've had to clean all icons out of the profile and use a clean XP machine just to get the system to properly recognize the changes in the MSI. Unfortunately I have not had the time to go into depth on the issue I am seeing but I will say that roaming profiles have been giving me some "additional challenges".
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