Managed Install not working/completing properly.
I'm attempting to build a Managed installation for MikTeX 2.9, which is very straightforward - a single exe and some command line switches.
the deployment is targeted by Label to 8 x Windows Server 2016 RDS Hosts, which are VMs. I can hand install the software using the same switches, with no issue.
I've got the MI set to run any time, notify at start, during, and completion.
I get a completion message but the MI never does anything that i can see, besides download the file to the programdata\quest\kace\downloads\nn directory.
I've successfully deployed to an actual computer without issue, and sometimes if i RDP into the VMs and runkbot.exe 4 0 and then runkbot.exe 6 0 it'll run, but more often, it won't.
What logs can i look at to see what's happening?
Has anyone else run into things like this?
Answers (1)
Top Answer
Mi's run as system and some software does not like to be installed by system, they need a users temp area to stage in or other things like that.
Try making a script and running that with admin credentials to test if this is the problem
Thanks! Nailed it in one. - cdmead 5 years ago