
Managed Installs and Uninstalls

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We are changing our AV software from Carbon Black to SentinelOne. I have a script that I can run that allows the uninstall of CB and the install of S1, however I would like to see if there is a way to do this as a managed uninstall and then managed install. Currently I'm trying to manage uninstall like below. However, we unfortunately have about 5 different versions of CB on our machines and I'm hoping that since I'm not associating a file with it and just running the uninstaller as a command that it would have worked. It of course has not. I'm still new to all this and open to any suggestions. My next concern is that of course we do not want our machines to go without any AV and if I do get this uninstall working. I'm under the impression that it would uninstall then wait until the agent checks back in before it would install the new AV, which could be hours. Am I correct in thinking this? 


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Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 2 days ago
Red Belt

Create a managed Uninstall of the old system
Cleate a managed Install of the new system.
Setup the config for Excludes etc.

Then add them to a Task chain, so at first the old software is installed, then the new one is installed and then configured.

  • Thanks Nico_K, I guess my biggest concern is once the managed uninstall runs will it immediately run the managed install? I just do not want to leave 100+ computers with no AV on them for hours. - BigfootIsReal 2 days ago
    • Yes, as soon the first task ends, the second starts and when this ends the third starts etc. There is a delay between the single steps, but this is a few seconds.
      Task chains are simply for the issue you are describing without the need of creating an own script. - Nico_K 1 day ago
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