MentorGraphics Expedition Enterprise silent install
I am able to silently install the MentorGraphics ModelSim and Questa but facing troube with Expidition Enterprise. I created the batch script according to the documentation provided for silent installation and saved it. When I am trying to install it after 100% of the installation it is installing the post installation features (Who worked on this package might know what I am talking about), so in that these two feature are not installing in silent manner I am attaching the screenshots
could anybody suggest me how to make it complete silent even with the all features selected
1) Valor components
2) MGC User Environment- Select License Type
Answers (3)
1) valor product cant be installed silently along with main product so you need to create a response.iss for it (hope you all know abt it) . The executable for which you need to make setup.iss will be in this folder (ExpeditionEnterprise\7.9.2EE\mgi_odbg_to_odb++_install.ixn\gw2odb_setup_v820.exe) 2) okay now you just make littile changes to your batchInstall.BAT which you created for the silent install. Add these lines in ADD YOUR OWN PRE INSTALL COMMANDS BELOW HERE secton present in the batch file if not exist %SystemDrive%\install\Logs\ md %SystemDrive%\install\Logs\ xcopy "%~dp07.9.2EE\mgi_odbg_to_odb++_install.ixn" /y /e "C:\install\" set SYSENVKEY="HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" set CFGR_INI="%TEMP%\configurator.ini" REG ADD %SYSENVKEY% /v CFGR_INI /d "%CFGR_INI%" /f echo [defaults] > "%CFGR_INI%" echo mgls_license_file=1717@PQRST@1;1717@ABCDE@1;>> "%CFGR_INI%" echo wdir=C:\wdir >> "%CFGR_INI%" In the above you are creating the Environmental variable to avoid MGC User Environment- Select License Type window I mentioned in above screenshot. And I am copying the gw2odb_setup_v820.exe, its response file and batch script to local (C:\install) for easy access 3) Add this script to ADD YOUR OWN POST INSTALL COMMANDS BELOW HERE section in the batchinstall.BAT you created c:\install\post_install_script.bat This will run the Valor silently after total installation completes 4) post_install_script.bat should be configured like this ::pushd %1 ::cd %1 cd \install start /WAIT .\gw2odb_setup_v820.exe /s /f1.\setup.iss
ok guys finally found the answer, long process and making it in short way,
1) valor product cant be installed silently along with main product so you need to create a response.iss for it (hope you all know abt it) . The executable for which you need to make setup.iss will be in this folder (ExpeditionEnterprise\7.9.2EE\mgi_odbg_to_odb++_install.ixn\gw2odb_setup_v820.exe)
2) okay now you just make littile changes to your batchInstall.BAT which you created for the silent install. Add these lines in ADD YOUR OWN PRE INSTALL COMMANDS BELOW HERE secton present in the batch file
if not exist %SystemDrive%\install\Logs\ md %SystemDrive%\install\Logs\
xcopy "%~dp07.9.2EE\mgi_odbg_to_odb++_install.ixn" /y /e "C:\install\"
set SYSENVKEY="HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
set CFGR_INI="%TEMP%\configurator.ini"
echo [defaults] > "%CFGR_INI%"
echo mgls_license_file=1717@PQRST@1;1717@ABCDE@1;>> "%CFGR_INI%"
echo wdir=C:\wdir >> "%CFGR_INI%"
In the above you are creating the Environmental variable to avoid MGC User Environment- Select License Type window I mentioned in above screenshot. And I am copying the gw2odb_setup_v820.exe, its response file and batch script to local (C:\install) for easy access
3) Add this script to ADD YOUR OWN POST INSTALL COMMANDS BELOW HERE section in the batchinstall.BAT you created
This will run the Valor silently after total installation completes
4) post_install_script.bat should be configured like this
::pushd %1
::cd %1
cd \install
start /WAIT .\gw2odb_setup_v820.exe /s /f1.\setup.iss
1. Valor is a separate install. That can be installed first. I believe it takes a recorded answer file (F1)
2. That licensing dialog is called by post_install.bat (I believe). It's kind of a crazy solution, but I had to edit that file to not run the licensing dialog, then look for it to be unpacked by the install. Once the file was copied, a script replaced it with a version that suppressed the licensing dialog.
Good luck, this app is pretty squirrely.
I tried with Windows Magnifier but still I couldn't see what is there in the screen short (I mean the options, command lines etc.. )
ha ha :)) my apologies for that Jagadiesh - srikanth.deep 12 years ago